
We’re a DC-based coven with a deep love for healing, humans and art. With our 50 combined years of experience in diverse pagan traditions and spiritual practices, we seek to build community, spread knowledge and share magic with folks from all walks of life.

  • Tarot Readings

    Intuitive tarot readings that bring in influences of numerology, astrology, elemental energy, channeling and spiritual guides to help you balance your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. You’ll leave with actionable next steps to make changes in your life. The best time to start is now! In person or remote.

  • Reiki Healing

    Reiki is a Japanese healing modality that seeks to balance the energies of the body. It is a deeply relaxing moment to focus on your self — past, present, and future — with gentle support from Source and Niko’s intuitive abilities. Healings can be done with light touch or no touch, and even long-distance/virtually.

  • Elemental Healing

    Holistic Elemental Energy Healings to help ground you and connect with your multi-dimensional self. Aster has helped people overcome internal conflicts, work through creative blocks, heal their inner child and begin their journey into shadow work. 


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  • Aster

    Tarot Reader | Spiritual Coach | Multidimensional Healer | He/him

    Aster is an elemental healer and hereditary witch with an ancestral connection to magic. His influences include astrology, herbalism, dream interpretation, tarot and earth energy.

    • Element: Water
    • Sun Sign: Libra
    • Influential Animal: Jaguar
    • Influential Deity: Mother Ocean
    • Blood Type: A+
    • Hobbies: Gardening, Dungeons and Dragons, art, and cuddling my dog, Inara
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  • Niko

    Reiki Healer | Teacher | Artisan | She/they

    Niko is a healer and helper. She's a master Reiki practitioner, lightworker and witch. Her influences include Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy (IET), crystal magic, and celestial energy.

    • Element: Earth
    • Sun Sign: Virgo
    • Influential Animal: Squirrel
    • Influential Deity: Athena
    • Blood Type: AB
    • Hobbies: Writing, cross-stitch, sewing, crafting, and spoiling my pet birds
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  • Vesper

    Ritual Leader | Educator | Witch | They/she

    Ves is an elemental witch and a pagan ritual leader/teacher, with a background in philosophy. Her influences include candle magic, theurgy, the fae, queer traditions, tarot, and fire energy.

    • Element: Fire
    • Sun Sign: Leo
    • Influential Animal: Dragonfly
    • Influential Deity: Lillith
    • Blood Type: O-
    • Hobbies: Writing, video games, philosophy and napping with my pet birds
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