Spring Card Pull

Spring Card Pull

I am shuffling through the deck I am nudged to pull two cards instead of one. Unusual for an intended single card draw. Immediately, one card flips while shuffling, another jumps out and lands next to him, both face up. I am looking at the King of Cups, and the Queen of Swords. “Interesting,” I think to myself, “these two are the inverse of each other. The Kings - Rulers of Mind, The Queens - Rulers of Emotion…but the symbols are flipped as Cups rule emotion, and swords the mind…what are they trying to say?” The King’s expression seems concerned; The Queen is unfalteringly looking ahead. Then it hits me “Balance Emotions and Mind, but not in the same way you have been.” 

Traditionally (in our current Western paradigm), we view God/Masculine energy as the “Logical and Thinking” and Goddess/Feminine Energy as the “Emotional and Intuitive.” These cards being the inverse of each other is calling out the incompleteness of this division. It is humans who divide them by gender. These cards are asking us to seek the duality within the duality–to go deeper in our balancing. How does it feel to you to imagine a “Masculine God of the Home, Harvest, Fertility, Love, or Magic,” and vice versa a “Feminine God of Logic, Thinking, Lightning, Order, Protection or War.” If it feels odd, continue down the path and see where these ideas were planted and inquire if this has been limiting your self expression or self integration.

Reflect on the inherent logic within your intuition and the emotional foundations of your logic. Within all things lay the duality, even the duality itself. When we embrace and harmonize the seemingly contrasting aspects of ourselves, then a deeper Knowing can be achieved. This exercise encourages us to explore the interconnectedness of seemingly opposing attributes. 

Any time you are in a transformation, things must shift to the opposite pole to balance and integrate. By allowing our thoughts to filter through our emotions, and our emotions to filter through our thoughts, a deeper conversation can be had. Perhaps when you focus on what has happened to you emotionally that leads you to think a certain way, and what thought processes create your emotional state, you are able to have breakthroughs on both poles. Remember, everything is connected. Everything goes back to Unity. 

With love,


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